Friday, May 16, 2008

Dating in Atlanta!

Dating in Atlanta has always been one of the hardest challenges I ever had in my entire life. Coming straight from Cameroon, which is my home country and where I used to have a lot success with girls, my new experience in Atlanta about women makes me believe that all girls are not the same.
In fact, it was a Friday afternoon in the Foot Locker store located in the Underground Mall, where I was spending some times with my friend looking at shoes. Suddenly, I saw a wonderful and beautiful girl with long brown hair; dark skin, short pants and yellow shirts wearing a shade entered into the store. While she was walking, going to the women side, I breathe some air and told my friend that this one was mine. So I fixed my clothes again, took my courage and went to accost her. Soon as I got closed to her, I opened my mouth to say hi and she said hi too. I asked her how she was doing and she responded well, then I told her how pretty she was and my desire to be friend with her and eventually keep in touch with her. Unfortunately, I realized that I was talking to myself and I was looking crazy because the girl was ignored me and people were laughing at me as well. So far, my second failure was in the train where I met a girl of 23 years old. When I asked for her number, she told to me how foolish and stupid I was to meet somebody that I don’t even know and ask for her number the same day. One thing very funny I got from her is she asked me to go back to school in order to restudy how to chase after girls.
Therefore, considering my personal failures, I can conclude that dating in Atlanta is not an easy process. We all need to be ready and most importantly, be lucky.'s-ratio%3F

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Change , we can believe in!

The commitment made by the Cameroonian government to fight against poverty is a great and encourage able steps through the development in Africa especially in Cameroon. Even though it is not an easy process considering the time that it will take and the available financiers resources, we all have to give our helping hands to those African countries as Senegal, Ivory Coast and Cameroon that work hard in their everyday lives in order to get this project done. I believe this dream is realizable and they just need time, faith and support to improve their infrastructures in a better way.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cameroon: Fight against Poverty!

Cameroon is a democratic and autonym country located in the central part of Africa and that has two capitals: Yaounde, the political capital, and Douala, the economic one. In 1996, the population in Cameroon was estimated at 15 million people and 51 percent of those people were living in poverty according to the first national household survey. However, in 2004, a second survey conducted publishes a decrease of this figure from 40 percent but that decline only benefited people who lived in urban areas with a percentage of 22.1 poor people compared to 49.9 percent in rural areas. Even though the poverty in Cameroon seems to decrease, there is no province in Cameroon that is untouched by poverty. The poorest areas are found in the far north, northwest, northeast, west and center and the main victims who are severely hit by this bane are women and children. Among the major causes of that poverty, we can quote a lack of job opportunities, inadequate road infrastructures, illiteracy and declining incomes. Even with the hard work that the government accomplishes to improve people lives, people still believe that better living conditions will come with better communication, job creation, stable prices for staple foods and better access to healthcare and water.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Natural Catastrophes!

The world has known these past two weeks several natural catastrophes such as cyclones, high winds and earthquakes that have been the cause of much properties damage and thousands of people’s deaths. The Asian part of the world has been the most affected with more than ten thousand of victims as well as Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country of about 50 million people, has recorded 1500 people who lost their lives and their properties. The worst is, this morning, Sichuan, a mountain province located in the West part of China, has also been victim of a severe earthquake that occurred with a 7.8 magnitude killing more than five thousand people and blocking nine hundred high school students in buildings collapse. All international organizations fighting against poverty, starve and natural catastrophes like the UN (United Nations), the Red Cross, are overworked.
International opinion is alerted and many developed countries are providing some humanitarian aid as well as the United States government that gave their helping hands by providing some food and medicine and also by sending some military troops in order to clean and rebuild the blasted town. However, considering the fact that we cannot fight against a natural catastrophe, the only thing we can do to limit the damage is to predict a catastrophe with the progress of science and also to educate people. But, the question we all need to get an answer is to know how long those furious catastrophes will continue to break thousands of families.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Road accident!

Every minute, in all over the world, hundreds of people are victims of road accidents. This plague begins to be worrying and needs a special attention in order to save thousands of people who take the road in their daily lives. Some research explains that, most of time, cars accidents on the road are caused by inattention of the driver. In fact, I strongly disagree with those people who put entirely the responsibility of this matter on the government shoulders. It may be the duty of the government to set up some infrastructures that will help to reduce the number of cars accidents on the road for instance cameras and speed limit, but it is also our duty to respect those rules in order to reduce the number of deaths on the road. Therefore, each side has a contribution to give for fighting against this bane that breaks millions of families hearts.


Addiction is a huge plague that cracks down nowadays in every teenager’s life and most of the time in some mature peoples life too. The reason why people get addicted to any kind of drugs or alcohol differs from one person to another. According to teens, drugs make them feel better and give them courage by making them high. However, for mature people, they are using drugs because of certain multiple problems they are facing in their everyday lives and for which they are not strong enough to handle or find a resolution. Therefore, using drugs liberates their mind from all matters they are facing and makes them feel free and lead a cool life as everyone else. But, the fact is, even though drugs help them in certain way to relax themselves, it makes them kill themselves either drop by drop after every use and things that they may ignore. The worst is, according to the latest research, the majority of people addicted to drugs are teenagers. For the fact, I strongly condemn drugs utilization in any forms and I invite all governments to maintain their first mission which is to guarantee and secure people lives and their stuff and so far, I suggest them to set up any appropriate policy going against this plague in order to save and build a better future like the United States government that it is arrived to reduce from 10 the percentage of teens addicted to drugs in the country.

Friday, May 2, 2008

No to Polygamy!

Polygamy is a factor that occurs in many of our families today by its many negative consequences that are revealed by the time after the death of head of household by sharing the heritage, is a scourge which requires a rapid and immediate intervention in order to prevent the future of our future generations. In a world of law and where all men are equal, as share equally we do not accept the idea of non respect of the Human fundamental Rights as well as Women in particular who have to be treated differently considering their status of " Mum of the World" who are here to give us affection when we are in need. As a result, I strongly condemn polygamy which removes the men from their fundamental rights in a state takes as Democratic and that should have had as main purpose the defense of their citizens rights.