Tuesday, April 29, 2008

POLYGAMY: A restrictive factor for Cameroon progress.

Polygamy can be define as right for a man to marry more than two women is an old practice that was supposed to be eradicated according to several international organizations defending the Human rights as well as the UN (United Nation) but that is still practice nowadays in many countries in Africa specially in Cameroon. After deep and long research, many sociologists come out with multiples reasons that make this practice existing in Cameroon and in some others cultures. One of the main reasons is, in Cameroon, the mentality is still retrograde and people still believe in superstition. Polygamy seems to offer the husband increased prestige, economic stability, and sexual companionship in cultures where pregnancy and lactation dictate abstinence, while offering the wives a shared labor burden and an institutionalized role where a surplus of unmarried women might otherwise exist. The polygamous family is often fraught with bickering and sexual jealousy; to preserve harmony, one wife may be accorded seniority, and each wife and her children may have separate living quarters. Even though this plague goes beyond the inalienable rights of human and is most of the time the cause of several broken families, it still legal in Cameroon and thousands of women get hurt every minutes from this pain. It is time to act.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Street Children in Vietnam

The situation that occurs in Vietnam nowadays is that one which concerns children abuse. This crisis needs special attention because it involves the future of one generation in one country. In a country surrounded by extreme poverty as Vietnam, children at any age are forced by their parents to leave the house during the daytime to find whatever job in order to earn money and take care of the family. For instance, some employers who exploit them and pay them with a pitiful salary hire those children who are not covered by any kind of insurance that can protect them against work incident or diseases. For a country that pretends to be liberal and a defender of the human rights as well, this kind of issues must be one of their main challenges in order to prove the rest of the world that they deserve their liberal and democratic status. Therefore, I am strongly against those one who continue to abuse, marginalize children and deprive them of their rights and liberty. http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2006/11/vietnam_street.html

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hijab Abuse in Tunisia

A few months ago, Tunisia has been treated as an Anti-religious country by some others muslims countries for eradicating the scarf concept, one of the most sacred versus of the Koran, that recommended every women to hide their face with the scarf. For the fact, i strongly disagree with this claim because every democratic governements, eventhough they are muslim or not, are regulated by some rules and laws that have the first objective to guarantee and protect the rights of their citizens as well as Tunisia. For instance, we cannot talk about a democratic country if the humans rights are violated and people are not allowed to dress or wear what they want. Being free, one of the first rule of the liberty, is something that we cannot suppress in a human life.

Global Warming: time to act.

Nowadays, a plague known as a name of Global Warming, that is the cause of several negative effects in our everyday life, needs to be resolved soon as possible. In a recent statistic, during the winter, twenty persons at least are infected. A situation that turns around severely during the summer with fourty to fifty persons per day( from http://www.tve.org/earthreport/archive/doc.cfm?aid=1892). Because of this inconvenience, i strongly believe that each of us should absolutely contibute in the fight process against this matter in order to save thousand of life like do many government like the United States as well that require for the next generation of cars and trucks, to have an average fleet of at least 31.6 miles per galons.
Futhermore, i think another way to resolve this matter can also be by civilizing people by using less energy at home and being efficient. What i really mean by efficient is for example buy a clean car, use less gas that produce dioxide emissions.