Tuesday, April 29, 2008

POLYGAMY: A restrictive factor for Cameroon progress.

Polygamy can be define as right for a man to marry more than two women is an old practice that was supposed to be eradicated according to several international organizations defending the Human rights as well as the UN (United Nation) but that is still practice nowadays in many countries in Africa specially in Cameroon. After deep and long research, many sociologists come out with multiples reasons that make this practice existing in Cameroon and in some others cultures. One of the main reasons is, in Cameroon, the mentality is still retrograde and people still believe in superstition. Polygamy seems to offer the husband increased prestige, economic stability, and sexual companionship in cultures where pregnancy and lactation dictate abstinence, while offering the wives a shared labor burden and an institutionalized role where a surplus of unmarried women might otherwise exist. The polygamous family is often fraught with bickering and sexual jealousy; to preserve harmony, one wife may be accorded seniority, and each wife and her children may have separate living quarters. Even though this plague goes beyond the inalienable rights of human and is most of the time the cause of several broken families, it still legal in Cameroon and thousands of women get hurt every minutes from this pain. It is time to act.

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