Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cameroon: Fight against Poverty!

Cameroon is a democratic and autonym country located in the central part of Africa and that has two capitals: Yaounde, the political capital, and Douala, the economic one. In 1996, the population in Cameroon was estimated at 15 million people and 51 percent of those people were living in poverty according to the first national household survey. However, in 2004, a second survey conducted publishes a decrease of this figure from 40 percent but that decline only benefited people who lived in urban areas with a percentage of 22.1 poor people compared to 49.9 percent in rural areas. Even though the poverty in Cameroon seems to decrease, there is no province in Cameroon that is untouched by poverty. The poorest areas are found in the far north, northwest, northeast, west and center and the main victims who are severely hit by this bane are women and children. Among the major causes of that poverty, we can quote a lack of job opportunities, inadequate road infrastructures, illiteracy and declining incomes. Even with the hard work that the government accomplishes to improve people lives, people still believe that better living conditions will come with better communication, job creation, stable prices for staple foods and better access to healthcare and water.

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