Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Addiction is a huge plague that cracks down nowadays in every teenager’s life and most of the time in some mature peoples life too. The reason why people get addicted to any kind of drugs or alcohol differs from one person to another. According to teens, drugs make them feel better and give them courage by making them high. However, for mature people, they are using drugs because of certain multiple problems they are facing in their everyday lives and for which they are not strong enough to handle or find a resolution. Therefore, using drugs liberates their mind from all matters they are facing and makes them feel free and lead a cool life as everyone else. But, the fact is, even though drugs help them in certain way to relax themselves, it makes them kill themselves either drop by drop after every use and things that they may ignore. The worst is, according to the latest research, the majority of people addicted to drugs are teenagers. For the fact, I strongly condemn drugs utilization in any forms and I invite all governments to maintain their first mission which is to guarantee and secure people lives and their stuff and so far, I suggest them to set up any appropriate policy going against this plague in order to save and build a better future like the United States government that it is arrived to reduce from 10 the percentage of teens addicted to drugs in the country.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I strongly agree with you in the idea of making the governments responsible for the fight against drugs. They should be strict enough to avoid the selling, the production and the consumption of drugs. I support every movement or law that tries to ensure a society without drugs. These products are killing not only teenagers but also adults. Like you said, the reasons are different from one person to another, but in the end people are tend to use it more nowadays.

I also think that governments should start campaigns in schools and colleges even more effective from the ones that are already taking place. I believe that we don’t know yet the reasons of the consumption of drugs. Teachers, parents and friends should be more aware of what situations may guide a person to this world of self-destruction.